COVID -19 Report: AFRICA 4 June 2020

Africa’s coronavirus count surpassed 150,000 earlier this week, even though according to WHO the region is among the least affected. Concerns remain as countries in Africa struggle with when to reopen economies and schools. However, many countries have already started phased reopening of businesses and education institutions while mandating social distancing and other precautionary norms. At the onset of the pandemic, a substantial proportion of students had no distance learning plan in place. Another consideration is education financing which has also taken a hit.

COVID19- Case Counts

The COVID-19 situation differs across the continent. The details of affected regions as on June 3rd, 2020 are given below:

South Africa34,35717,291

Major Markets

Nigeria: Nigeria’s National Universities Commission estimates that fewer than 20% of applicants to Nigerian universities gained admission between 2012 and 2017, leaving about 6.3 million qualified students without access to a domestic higher education institution. It is estimated that about 90,000 Nigerian students are enrolled in foreign institutions at present.

Egypt: The country has a massive youth population. The number of students going abroad for higher education has nearly tripled in the past decade, from 12,300 in 2008 to about 32,000 as on January 2020.

Ghana: According to estimates, Ghanaian universities are only able to accommodate 20% of applicants. Also, quality issues in the private education sector have been reported. These factors have led to a demand for international institutions. As many as 12,560 Ghanaians were studying abroad in 2017, up 40% from 8,965 in 2012 (Source: UNESCO). However, this is a conservative estimate. 

Kenya: As many as 14,000 Kenyans are studying abroad in 2019-20. But demand for international education in Kenya has been tepid for the last several years owing to growing popularity of vocational courses. So, ICEF Monitor suggests making international short-term vocational courses more accessible to students while focusing on linkages with the private sector to connect students with real marketplace.


Algeria – The country imposed a partial lockdown, between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. for a period of 15 days, from 30th May until 13th June 2020, in some provinces. Public gatherings are still not allowed, even the schools & places of worship remain closed.

Egypt – After Eid, from May 30th till June 14th, Egypt resorted to the same regulations as during the month of Ramadan, except the curfew will start one hour earlier, at 8pm. Shops and malls will be open seven days a week. Wearing surgical masks will be mandatory on public transport and other public places. Phased return to normalcy will begin June 15. Sports clubs and youth centres will open, albeit partially, and adhere to social distancing and other precautionary norms. Schools and universities will remain closed.

Morocco – Morocco extended its national lockdown until June 10, as coronavirus cases in hotspots and factories complicated the efforts to curb the spread.


Kenya – The country is still under nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew. Travel in and out of the capital, Nairobi, and three other coastal counties with a high number of cases is restricted. Kenya continues to report hundreds of new cases every day as it scales up its testing capacity. However, Kenya Airways will resume passenger flights from June 8. The country is mulling over safe reopening of schools.

Mauritius – Mauritius lifted its lockdown on May 30th. People within the territory are free to travel without Work Access Permit. Supermarkets and shops will be allowed to operate normally. Shopping malls, restaurants, cafes and markets can also operate under sanitized conditions.


Ghana – Ghana lifted a ban on social gatherings, but only about a 100 people will be allowed to assemble for any occasion. Final year students in universities will resume classes on June 15th, senior high school students on June 22nd and junior high school students on June 29th.

Nigeria – Phase two of the lockdown will last about one month, from June 2nd to June 29th. The country will be under a partial lockdown, from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. Domestic flights will resume from 21st June. Schools remain closed but the government is considering reopening schools. Exams may be conducted in the early phases of next lockdown.


DR Congo – After the lockdown was lifted around mid-May, the country is gradually resuming economic activities. Social distancing norms are in place along with a ban on gathering of 20 or more people. Domestic Air traffic has resumed in a phased manner. Most schools remain closed.


South Africa – Final year students in primary and secondary schools will now report back to school on 8 June, according to the department of basic education. Teachers will report to work on 1 June for orientation on new safety guidelines intended to prevent the spread of coronavirus in schools.

Zambia – Country is in a partial lockdown with commercial activities being allowed to operate in least affected areas. Students were back in schools on June 1st after nearly two months of lockdown.

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